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Bishop K. J. Brown Ministires
Bishop K.J. Brown Ministries is a Christian based ministry that has a passion and purpose to reach , teach, and encourage through the message of the bible. Our goal is to equip and empower men, women, boys and girls to live better lives though the applications of practical purposeful teaching and preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We plan to continue to share the life changing messages given by Bishop K.J. Brown though various media outlets.
Our strategy is to use video, internet radio, social media, digital media outlets, smart phone apps ,to effectively reach the wounded, worn, weary and the lost for Jesus Christ.
We have a purpose and passion to reach” The Church “.
The unchurch. The hurt church. The confused church ,
The hungry church . The lukewarm church. In addition we endeavor to be a source of reinforcement for the Faithful Church that needs encouragement and direction.
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